Saturday 19 July 2008

Mestre Toni Vargas: a story taught, a lesson told.

We had a visit the other day from Mestre Toni Vargas. He's a mestre that I had always heard a lot about. I bumped into him and Contra-Mestre Casquinha coming into the lift at Covent Garden. Mestre Toni looked hard, a bit like a pirate with his beard and I know he loves headscarves so that completed the look for me. I thought he might be slightly unapproachable with that pirate look.

An hour or so later, at the end of a very unique class, the Mestre sat us down and shared with us a little capoeira history. His story related to an important period - the development of urban capoeira during Brazil's 19th and early 20th centuries and the fact that this ocurred in three seperate metropolitan centres:-

Rio de Janeiro

In the first two cities - Rio & Recife, capoeira at the time was very violent. In Rio armed gangs called maltas ruled the streets. Gang members themselves, known as malandros (tough guys) were infamous for using capoeira as personal weapon, they were described as being skilled with clubs and knives a far cry from today's capoeira.

In Recife the situation was similar, when Carnival came along armed capoeiristas would head rival Carnival processions and mayhem ensued wherever they encountered each other. Eventually weapons were banned in Recife carnival and that's when people started carrying miniature pointy metal umbrellas and doing each other injustice with these. Eventually this evolved into a seperate art called Frevo.

Newspaper clippings abound of capoeiristas of this time. Notorious hard nuts who stabbed and slashed, cut and bullied, sometimes escaping without sentence due to political connections. Who knows about the truth of such reportage. Brazilian newspapers served the interest of the white political elite at the time, they were determined to stamp out anything even slightly African or lower class. Nevertheless capoeiristas such as Manduca de Praia of Rio and Nascimento Grande of Recife entered capoeira legend, famed for their physical prowess.

Mestre Toni Vargas did not expound everything at this length. These are my additions to his story - for his tale was quite simple. After summarising the historical facts, he told us that where capoeira was the dominion of brutal street fighters it was almost wiped out completely by continued state oppression. However, in Bahia, where capoeira had evolved, or remained, as a game among friends, full of ritual, of music and poetry and magic - capoeira survived oppression.

The no longer pirate seeming Mestre Toni Vargas declared his point - the survival of capoeira proves that music, poetry, ritual and magic overcome violence and oppression.

I was soundly struck by capoeira's magic at that very moment. And of Mestre Toni Vargas as one of the special breed of magicians that I am so lucky to have encountered in my life. His other point was declared the day after from my aching body - art has it's price.

Monday 30 June 2008


It is always an immense pleasure to meet Mestre Acordeon. He brings an incredible energy with him and never tires of sharing it. Everybody wants a piece of him and he unquestioningly gives it with knowing sincerity and.. humour. At the end of the event ( after a solid two hours on the Berimbau) he pulled up a table and two chairs, sat in one and invited the photo moments to begin. A media maelstrom began and he engaged in photogenic fun with virtually every aluno in the massive event. Here's my proud 10 seconds with the man who gave me my first lesons in Capoeira even before I had begun classes, via his magical book - Capoeira, A Brazilian Art Form.

Unfortunately I was not able to attend his opening class but this is what my friend Nick recounted to me afterwards.
  • Students: Mestre Acordeon, how do you create your own style?
  • Mestre Acordeon: Do what your Master tells you and try as hard as you can to follow that exactly. When you have done that for years and got the movements perfect then your own style will be unable to do anything but shine through. If you start trying to put your own style in from the outset you can go very wrong (said with a wry smile on his face).
Mestre Acordeon is a student of the now deceased Mestre Bimba, the creator of Capoeira Regional. Mestre Acordeon has written several books on capoeira in English and Portuguese. He is also a celebrated musician and composer who pushes the boundaries of capoeira music, often working together with other renowned mestres such as Mestre Suassuna to make music that is truly beautiful.

Loads of Mestre Acordeons's products are listed on Check out his: -
...and if you do go ahead and buy any of these, click through these links to earn me a bit of commission!